Zenterio Reports Second Quarter and Half Year 2015

DATUM: 2015-09-23     KATEGORI: Holmströmgruppen

April – June 2015

  • Deployed license base
    • The VAS (value added services) enabled license base grew by 1% in the second quarter, adding some 20 thousand licenses to an accumulated base of 1.7 million
    • The total license base grew by 1% in the second quarter, adding some 24 thousand licenses to the accumulated base of 3.0 million
  • Net sales and other operating income in the second quarter increased 170% year-on-year to SEK 35.3 million (SEK 13.1 million)
  • EBITDA in the quarter were SEK -27.4 million (SEK -25.0 million)
  • Net result in the quarter was SEK -36.1 million (SEK -32.4 million)
  • May 27, 2015, Zenterio announced the issuance of 3 year convertible bonds in the aggregate principal amount of SEK 31.5 million.
  • April 1, 2015, Zenterio announced that the Board of Directors of the company has appointed Jörgen Nilsson as CEO as of April 2, 2015.

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Holmströmgruppen är en privatägd företagsgrupp med säte och huvudkontor i Stockholm. Verksamheten bygger på tre separata affärsområden som innefattar fastigheter, nyproduktion av bostäder samt handel med noterade och onoterade bolag. Våra tre verksamhetsområden ger oss inspiration och en sund riskspridning. Kärnverksamheten ligger i förvaltningsfastigheter med Sverige som huvudmarknad.

