Zenterio Reports First Quarter 2015

DATUM: 2015-05-28     KATEGORI: Holmströmgruppen
Net sales and other operating income in the quarter increased 194% year-on-year to SEK 38.0 million (SEK 12.9 million)
EBITDA in the quarter were SEK -19.2 million (SEK -21.9 million)
Net result in the quarter was SEK -27.6 million (SEK -27.6 million).


Zenterio continues to grow and I feel very excited about the opportunity to lead Zenterio’s transformation into a more commercially driven business. Via acquisitions, both last year and the recent ones in the US and UK, we have added important knowledge, experience and capacity that give Zenterio a unique position in the market. My main focus going forward is to establish profitability, increase competiveness and improve customer satisfaction”, says Jörgen Nilsson, CEO of Zenterio.

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