Zenterio continues its collaboration with Linköping University

DATUM: 2016-02-09     KATEGORI: Holmströmgruppen
The collaboration between Zenterio and Linköping University started during the fall semester of 2012 and last year was the second year that this collaboration took the form of an “app development competition”. 120 students from Linköping University attended the course in Software Engineering where part one of their tasks was to run a software development company.


As part of the project, the participants were asked to explore new possibilities of interacting with a low end Set-top box (STB) by inventing, designing and realizing interactive services utilizing the Zenterio OS Lua application development kit (ADK).


The practical application of this is that TV operators need the flexibility to develop and deploy interactive apps at a much faster pace than set-top box software releases. Lua is a lightweight scripting engine, offering access to Zenterio OS API and enabling the operator to deploy interactive applications.

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