Zenterio 2017 Hackathon Award

DATUM: 2017-10-24     KATEGORI: Private Equity

The Zenterio Hackathon 2017 was held on Oct 20-21 with a clear goal in mind: encourage people to face new challenges in media consumption from a different angle. Participants developed projects in 24h. using machine learning techniques in a fun, creative, and collaborative environment. Different teams joined the event from Stockholm, Linköping, and Darmstadt. The winning team was awarded to compete in a major international Artificial Intelligence Hackathon.

The projects of the teams aimed to solve real problems within the media industry. In particular, the winning team developed a solution to recognise image concepts such as violence or celebrities in media streams without the need of network traffic. Another team was able to implement a new built-in voice recognition standard in modern web browsers.

