TV Connect 2016

DATUM: 2016-05-09     KATEGORI: Holmströmgruppen
After having attended this years TV Connect, taking place in London between the 26th and 28th of April we are both inspired and excited for what the future of TV might hold. In our summary of the event we want to share the trends we saw, what this means for operators going forward and how we continue to develop our products to meet these new demands.


Obviously there is a lot going on during an event like this and we won’t be able to convey everything we saw. But, amongst all the exciting things on display ranging from new formats, new devices and new delivery technologies to new partners, services and consumer trends, we would at least like to give you our key takeaways.

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Holmströmgruppen är en privatägd företagsgrupp med säte och huvudkontor i Stockholm. Verksamheten bygger på tre separata affärsområden som innefattar fastigheter, nyproduktion av bostäder samt handel med noterade och onoterade bolag. Våra tre verksamhetsområden ger oss inspiration och en sund riskspridning. Kärnverksamheten ligger i förvaltningsfastigheter med Sverige som huvudmarknad.

